Jürgen Paas – Colour Machine
From Saturday 21. September until Thursday 7. November
“Circles whirr across the wall, generating rotating motions in the eye of viewer, even taking possession of the square and (…) spread in keeping with the chaos theory acorss the entire surface of the wall.”
Martin Stather, A Tidy Home, a Tidy Mind – In Place of a Foreword, Catalog: Jürgen Paas, Target & Jukebox, Kettler, 2018, p. 13
Whether it be form material or composition. All elements of Jürgen Paas’ minimalist works are self- contained and equal significant. The results are illusionistic works made of colorful PVC ribbons that invite the viewer to move around and explore them. Jürgen Paa’s objects are not intended to represent anything. Their effect is paradoxical. The objective, equivalent design triggers a completely subjective, personal experience in the viewer. Tense expectations and emotions are just as much a part of understanding Jürgen Paa’s work as the joy of the self-efficacy of each individual and grouped object in the exhibition space.
We cordially invite you to the vernissage on September 21, 2024 from 11am – 1pm in the Braunbehrens gallery. The exhibition will open during the Art Alarm weekend.
We look forward to your visit!