Really? – Elena Steiner und Marc Fromm
From the 23rd October up to the 21st November 2020
The artworks of Marc Fromm (born 1971 in Langen/Hessen, lives in Halle an der Saale) and Elena Steiner (born 1975 in Susice/Czech Republic, lives in Vienna) amaze the viewer. Fromm observes people and their behaviour and self-dramatisation in social and societal structures. In precise material processing, sculptural works are created that oscillate between traditional appearance and digital modernity. Elena Steiner’s oeuvre also focuses on the human being as a social being. It traces the individuality of the individual in a culture controlled by mass media and looks for possibilities to assert oneself as an individual. Steiner paints a reality that captivates through its painterly perfection, but which on closer inspection turns out to be an illusory world that is critically questioned.